Plum Village Retreats
The one-week (December 22 – 29) Holy Season retreat is a gift of an inner journey, together with spiritual friends.
December 25 will be a day of simple celebrations.
Families are welcome but please note that there will not be any special activities for children or teenagers.
The one-week (December 29 – January 05) New Year’s retreat is a gift of an inner journey together with spiritual friends. Through the art of mindful living, we still the mind and come to understand ourselves and the world profoundly.
December 31 will be a day of simple celebrations.
Families are welcome but please note that there will not be any special activities for children or teenagers.
EIAB Retreats
27-12 to 02-01
A Retreat with the Monks and Nuns of the EIAB
This retreat is for everyone: adults, teenagers and children.
There will be a programme for children and teenagers (6-12 and 13-16 years).
We will spend the holidays together in a spiritual way that everyone will enjoy.
We will sing, create performances, practice sitting, walking and eating meditation and look at our lives in depth to see how we can truly live happily together.
There will also be a time of reflection to look forward to the New Year in contemplation and to consciously begin 2023.
Course languages: German and English
Languages in the children's programme: German and Dutch
Om het gezamenlijk rijden naar de winterretraite in het EIAB te stimuleren hebben we een plek aangemaakt op de website groupcarpool waar aanbieders en gebruikers van ritten hun gegevens kunnen plaatsen. Ga hiervoor naar:
Ook naar Plum Village kun je afspraken maken via de eigen carsharing website: