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in de traditie van Thich Nhat Hanh

The Art of Resting - Retreat

The Art of Resting - Retreat


In daily life full of appointments, activities at work and leisure activities, social and political commitments, it is easy to develop the habit of being constantly active, or restlessness.
We have forgotten how to find a balance between activity and rest. We rush beyond the experience of the present moment and risk losing touch with ourselves. Our habitual energies drive us forward, sometimes not knowing where to go at all? The opportunities to unwind, even for brief moments are no longer seen and perceived.
We can learn to stop, to quiet our minds and bodies and to truly rest. When we stop, we return to our breath, bring body and mind together, our distractions give way to concentration, and so we return to ourselves, in this moment.
Only in the present moment is it possible to be deeply in touch with life within us and around us. Rest is a condition for integrating experiences, healing physical and mental trauma and allowing our self-healing powers to work.
When we truly allow ourselves to rest, we can also more easily experience rest within our activities

Teacher: This weekend will be guided by Bettina Romhardt, dharma teacher from Berlin. Language: English.

Bettina RBettina became a disciple of Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1993 and lived in his monastic community Plum Village in France for 5 years. Bettina is a member of the Order of Interbeing and was appointed as a Dharma teacher by Thich Nhat Hanh in 2004. She lives with her son in Berlin.

For whom: Anyone is welcome who wants to practise with the sangha in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village

Date/Time: The weekend starts Friday, September 5, at 6 p.m. with a light meal. The program ends Sunday, September 7, at 4 pm. After joint clean-up and clean-up, we will be finished no later than 5 p.m.

Location: The weekend will take place at Bosoord Conference Center in Loenen (near Apeldoorn). Read more about the facilities at Bosoord. 

Carpool: Through the registration form you can indicate if you can take someone with you. One week before the meeting we will send a carpool list of ride providers to all participants.

Cost: Prices are published before the start of the registration  Renting a linen package (sheets plus towels) costs an extra € 6.50. Some single rooms are available. You can indicate your preference for this on the registration form when booking a double room. The surcharge for this is € 75. We allocate the single rooms approximately 3 weeks in advance. 

The teachers fee is included in the prices. So there will be no dana collection at the end.

Support: If you cannot afford these fees, it is possible to apply for financial support from the Dharma Support Fund of Foundation Leven in Aandacht. Please ask more information about the procedure at

Sign up: Registration starts March 3 on this website. Look for the button INSCHRIJVEN.  
Cancellation: The following cancellation policy applies: up to 4 weeks before the start 90% refund of the registration fee; up to 2 weeks 75%; after that no refund.



Evenement Eigenschappen

Startdatum 05-09-2025 18:00
Einddatum 07-09-2025 17:00
Registratie Startdatum 01-05-2025
Max. deelnemers 18
Nog beschikbare plaatsen 18
Prijs per persoon 323 - 398 euro
Locatie Bosoord, Loenen
Categorieën Verdiepingsprogramma , Meerdaagse retraite

Locatie Kaart